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Interface to numpy arrays, with hysop predifined types for int, real ...

Those functions are useful to enforce hysop predefined types in numpy arrays.

from import check_instance
import numpy as npw


def __generate_hysop_type_functions():

    functions = {
        "as{type}array": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(a, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Convert the input to an array of dtype HYSOP_{TYPE}.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.asarray(a=a, dtype=dtype, order=order, **kargs)
        "asany{type}array": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(a, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Convert the input to an array of dtype HYSOP_{TYPE}.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.asanyarray(a=a, dtype=dtype, order=order, **kargs)
        "{type}_prod": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(a, axis=None, out=None, **kargs):
    Sum of array elements over a given axis.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
        "{type}_sum": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(a, axis=None, out=None, **kargs):
    Sum of array elements over a given axis.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.sum(a=a,axis=axis,out=out,dtype=dtype,**kargs)
        "{type}_empty": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(shape, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Return a new array of given shape and type, without initializing entries.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, **kargs)
        "{type}_ones": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(shape, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Return a new array of given shape filled with ones of type HYSOP_{TYPE}.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.ones(shape=shape, order=order, dtype=dtype, **kargs)
        "{type}_zeros": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(shape, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Return a new array of given shape, filled with zeros of type HYSOP_{TYPE}.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.zeros(shape=shape, order=order, dtype=dtype, **kargs)
        "{type}_full": '''
def hysop_array_generated_method(shape, fill_value, order=HYSOP_ORDER, **kargs):
    Return a new array of given shape, filled with fill_value of type HYSOP_{TYPE}.
    dtype = HYSOP_{TYPE}
    return np.full(shape=shape, fill_value=fill_value, order=order, dtype=dtype, **kargs)

    hysop_types = ["real", "complex", "integer", "index", "dim", "bool"]

    for ht in hysop_types:
        for _fname, fdefinition in functions.items():
            fname = _fname.format(type=ht, TYPE=ht.upper())
            fdef = """
import numpy as np
from hysop.constants import HYSOP_REAL, HYSOP_COMPLEX, HYSOP_ORDER
                fdefinition.format(type=ht, TYPE=ht.upper())
            namespace = dict()
            exec(fdef, namespace)
            setattr(npw, fname, namespace["hysop_array_generated_method"])
            if ht == "integer":
                fname = _fname.format(type="int")
                setattr(npw, fname, namespace["hysop_array_generated_method"])


[docs] def ndindex_with_ghosts(shape, ghosts): check_instance(shape, tuple) check_instance(ghosts, (list, tuple, npw.ndarray)) if not isinstance(ghosts[0], (list, tuple, npw.ndarray)): ghosts = (ghosts,) for idx in npw.ndindex(*shape): ghosts_idx = tuple( tuple(i + g for (i, g) in zip(idx, ghost)) for ghost in ghosts ) yield (idx,) + ghosts_idx
[docs] def slices_empty(slices, shape): if not __debug__: return False if slices is Ellipsis: return False from hysop.core.arrays.array import Array if isinstance(slices, (int, npw.integer, npw.ndarray, Array)): return slices = (slices,) if isinstance(slices, slice) else slices assert len(shape) >= len(slices) shape = shape[: len(slices)] empty = tuple( slices[i].indices(shape[i]) for i in range(len(slices)) if isinstance(slices[i], slice) ) empty = tuple((i >= j) for (i, j, _), ss in zip(empty, shape)) return any(empty)
[docs] def set_readonly(*args): from hysop.testsenv import __HAS_OPENCL_BACKEND__ from hysop.core.arrays.all import Array if __HAS_OPENCL_BACKEND__: from hysop.core.arrays.all import OpenClArray for arg in args: if __HAS_OPENCL_BACKEND__ and isinstance(arg, OpenClArray): continue if isinstance(arg, Array): arg = arg.handle arg.setflags(write=False)
[docs] def fancy_print( a, replace_values={}, replace_views={}, element_width=6, inital_val=None, **print_opts, ): """ Print values with ghosts replaced by symbol. Mainly for debug purposes. Parameters ---------- a: np.ndarray Array to be printed. replace_values: dict, optional Replace value matching key predicate by value in array. Predicates take the array as parameter. Values can be any printable object. replace_views: dict, optional Replace each key view by value in array. Values can be any printable object. element_width: int, optional String width of the printed array values. inital_val: object, optional Initially fill the new array with given val. If specified, new array won't be initialized by input array. print_opts: Numpy printing options. Default options are: threshold = 10k linewidth = 1k nanstr = 'nan' infstr = 'inf' formatter = custom formatter """ check_instance(a, npw.ndarray) strarr = npw.empty_like(a, dtype=object) if inital_val is None: strarr[...] = a else: strarr[...] = inital_val for predicate, replace_val in replace_values.items(): assert callable(predicate) pred = predicate(a) strarr[pred] = replace_val for view, replace_val in replace_views.items(): strarr[view] = replace_val _formatter = { object: lambda x: "{:^{width}}".format(x, width=element_width)[:element_width], float: lambda x: "{:{width}.2f}".format(x, width=element_width), } _print_opts = dict( threshold=10000, linewidth=1000, nanstr="nan", infstr="inf", formatter={"object": lambda x: _formatter.get(type(x), _formatter[object])(x)}, ) _print_opts.update(print_opts) from import printoptions with printoptions(**_print_opts): print(strarr)
npw.set_readonly = set_readonly npw.ndindex_with_ghosts = ndindex_with_ghosts npw.fancy_print = fancy_print